Hello, my name is Robbie founder of the channel The Rookie Golfer. I started playing late 2021 and passed the exam for my ‘Golfvaardigheidsbewijs’ golf license in January 2022 and been training and playing since then.
To clarify ‘Golfvaardigheidsbewijs’, you have to pass a theoretical and practical exam to be able to play 9 and 18-hole A-golf courses. That doesn’t make me a golf pro but just a rookie golfer.
Be part of the community!
To be honest I’m addicted to the game. And I want to spread that love and share what I learned on my journey with all of you.
I took on the challenge to get started playing with a small budget, bought my first iron set for only 65 euro’s and invested in a few (introduction)lessons, but mainly my go to for learning how to play golf is YouTube; Golf professionals and influencers.
Join The Rookie Golfer club and subscribe on YouTube and follow me on social media. I will share my learnings about the best online golf content and gear needed to get you on your way.